NAPOL MINING LIMITED is a registered company in Tanzania. The company was established in year 2015 with the certificate of incorporation 118916.The company Head Office is located Tanzania at Mwendakulima Street in Kahama urban district. Napoli Mining has been one of the Company providing services to both Mining Sector and to the public dealing with Mining activities.
We provide Gold Refining services through Elution machines 24 hours (High pressure)
Our products ranges from 40mm to 120mm and we can also offer all size of products according to clients’ demand
NAPOL MINING LTD (MINERAL DEALER).Dealing with buying and selling different types of minerals allocated in Geita town at Kalangalala Street in Geita Gold Market.
We rent truck for soil application, luggage transfer and projects anywhere within and across the country
We are also dealing with sales of chemicals of VAT Leaching and Elution Plant.