Health &Safety Policy Statement

Napol Mining Limited , recognizes  and accept its health and safety duties for providing a safe and health  working environment  for all its workers and other visitors to its premises under the  Occupational  Health  and Safety Acts ,2003.

Napol Mining limited is committed to providing   a health and safe working environment for all employees and non-employees affected by our activities.

  • The company will:
    Initiate and maintain a safe and health working place , so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that employees ,customers, visitors and the environment are not exposed to risk arising from our cleaning activities
  • Ensure that employees have adequate support, supervision, relevant health & safety documentation, information and training required in order to make them aware of potential hazards within the workplace.
  • Make available all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Ensure records are maintained with regard to safety systems of work, risk assessments, employee training, work equipment inspections, and that these are readily available for inspection by others when required.

Its duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s welfare to report to any situation which my pose a threat to wellbeing of other person.


Environment Policy Statement

Napol Mining limited put its great importance on caring for the environment .It is a Napol Mining limited policy therefore to minimize the use of non-harmful products and procedures whenever possible.

  • Napol Mining Limited will pay attention to the following to meet its environmental responsibilities:
    Observe and comply with the legislation relating to the environmental issues.
  • Use of environmentally friendly equipment.
  • Safe arrangements for the use, handling and storage and transportation of equipment and materials, which have environmental impact.
  • Provision of sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to contribute positively to environmental upkeep while working.
  • Revise and review our process and practices to incorporate any environmentally beneficial technology or materials.
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